When we told the girls we are having a baby Abbey wasn't sure how she felt. She had mixed feelings...not wanting to give up being the baby of the family. It was pretty funny, actually, her reasoning of how awful it is to be a middle child. We told her how much Jordan is enjoyed and he's a middle child, but that didn't seem to pacify her much. So, we told her how much we love her and no new baby is going to replace Abbey in any way. She sure makes us laugh with her creative ideas and her dramatic reactions.
So, Abbey's latest interest with the baby has been wanting to send ideas for names. "let me know as soon as you do whether it's a boy or a girl" she said. "I like coming up with names and want to send ideas." She thinks it would be cool if we chose a name that ended in an "ee" sound - like Lynzee or Abbey or Rylie (their sister with their mom and Jason). I think that would be cool so I told her we'll do our best.
This is the list Abbey texted me yesterday after we told her it's a girl: Hallie, Avery, Kelly, Kinsy, Sidney, Carrie, Kylie, McKenzi, Jackie, Stephanie, Jessie. Hmm - I have to admit that I don't really love any of those names. But, I'm sure she'll keep the ideas coming.
Matt and I had a name picked out for a boy...Mahershalalhashbaz. Good one, huh! I'll be really impressed if anyone knows who that name belongs to. Matt joked that we would call him Mahem for short. So, yesterday I was trying to come up with some good girl's names to top this one for a boy. All I can think of is Bathsheba. We could call her Bathie and meet Abbey's request for a name that ends with an "ee" sound. I'll text that to her and see what she thinks. :-)
I did give Matt a name idea I had been thinking about for a girl this morning. I suggested the name and said "think about it". His reaction left me not very hopeful.
I'd like to know your name idea. As far as Mahem goes, isn't he the guy in the Allstate commercials? :) (or the son of Isaiah, but I'm not going to lie my first answer was the brother of Jared)