Friday, May 18, 2012

And now we're ordinance workers...

Yesterday was our second Thursday volunteering at the temple.  I've really enjoyed it so far!  Everybody is trying to figure out "the ropes". I love being able to experience what it takes to make a temple function.  ...lots of people working hard.  There is such a calm, happy feeling.  And, I sometimes get to see my cute Brother Bailey in the halls...and flirt a little with him.

Anyway, Matt noticed a need last week for veil workers and since he had spent most of his time in the men's dressing room he thought he could spend part of his temple time helping with the veil worker need.  He mentioned that to the shift coordinator who considered his request with the temple presidency.   (I guess they have some set requirements for who can be ordinance workers and who can't.  We didn't meet the requirements initially to be ordinance workers.)  Well, Matt mentioned last night that they were going to set him apart as a veil worker.  Cool for him!  I had changed out of my whites and was waiting for him to leave for home.  I was starting to get a little worried because I had been waiting awhile and it was getting close to 11:00.  Up the stairs he comes in his white clothes and says, "I'm going to be set apart now as a veil worker if you'd like to come."  Down I went with him to meet with the temple president and next thing I know, we're both being set apart to be ordinance workers.  I'm excited!!  We'll still work the same hours on Thursday evening and we'll still be doing some of the same work we've some new work...and memorizing.

While Lynzee and Abbey are here with us during the summer, I will stay at home with them on Thursday nights - which is great!  And then, back to the temple I'll go.  I do realize that this may be temporary for me.  If we are able to have a child then it's a long term break from being a temple worker.  There's a time for everything and I'm grateful for however long I have this opportunity to serve in our new temple!

Saturday, May 12, 2012


I know it's almost Mother's Day but I'm remembering my Dad today.  I got up early this morning and ran/walked a 5K (Running with the Cows) in rural Kansas.  After cleaning up at home I drove up to our new temple and did some initiatories.  I LOVE having a temple less than an hour away!  I can go do some temple work without it taking up my whole day to make a 6-9 hour round trip.

Now I'm home and am ready to do some Saturday chores and I'm listening to Marty Robbins.  I've also listened to Simon and Garfunkle while doing chores.  This music brings back such great memories of taking road trips as a family and listening to Dad's music.  Those were great times then and are great memories now.  I sure love my Dad and I sure miss him.  Yay for memories, though.  And, yay for eternal families.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Another Miscarriage

So I guess this post is really on the personal side - especially since no one knew I was pregnant except Mom.  But I was pregnant and now I'm not.  I was about 9 weeks this time and miscarried yesterday morning.  This time was harder than last - probably because we had more time to get excited.  And we had a ultrasound, saw the baby and heard the heartbeat.  We even have pictures.  We were almost ready to tell family. 

But, reality is I'm 40 - trying to have a baby.  We're dealing with some old eggs and they're more likely to have genetic problems.  I guess I don't feel this needs to be a great secret and hopefully sharing will be good.

Other than having moments of sadness and being sore, I'm okay.  I'm not sure what we'll do from here.  Maybe try again.  Or maybe God has something else in mind for us.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I'm Home!

I'm home and I survived...but no pictures.  Luckily, the week went by quickly and the meetings were really good.  There was snow and cold in Toronto so I didn't get out much.  What I enjoyed the most about Toronto was the flight to Atlanta and flying over Lake Ontario and Lake Erie.  We had great views of both.  I really didn't have time, or winter clothes, to get out much.  But I stayed at a cool, modern hotel.  I did go to the fitness room Wednesday morning, so that was good. 

Atlanta was much better weather and I took advantage of the warmth and 1.5 hours to get out a walk a bit.  I walked to the Olympic Park just a few blocks from my hotel.  It was a great park to walk around.  They had a Coke Museum and if I had more time I might have considered going in.

Before I knew it, I was flying home.  I get anxious about flying because I tend to get motion sickness.  So, I tried something new...sea bands.  And they worked!  I backed them up with one Dramamine on the trip back to KC and I think I'm glad I did.  It was a very bumpy ride in.  The winds were high and there were tornado watches in the area.

I was very anxious about the trip but all went well.  And I was so happy to be home.  And Matt was so happy to have me home!  Yay!