Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Melony and baby movements

This morning Matt & I were making our daily smoothie for breakfast.  We put half a cantaloupe in the smoothie today.  When I tasted it I said, "Wow!  This smoothie is very melony tasting."  Matt responded and said, "I guess that's a name we won't want for our baby...Melanie."  I commented - that's a clever play on words but why wouldn't we want the name Melanie?  Matt, being a man, responded - if she has big boobs and she's named Melanie (Melony) that wouldn't be good.  Ha, ha, ha!

I think I have been feeling the baby move over the past week...feels like little beats down where she is.  Like clockwork, whenever I lay down in bed at night I can feel quite a few movements.  Occasionally I'll feel something that I initially think might be gas but realize it's not and is probably that little thing doing a somersault or rolling over inside me.  Pretty cool is what I have to say about that right now!  Also reassuring to know that I don't have to wait for doctor appts to hear a heart beat and know she's alive inside me.

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