Friday, June 22, 2012


We were able to be in Utah for a few days early this month and it was such a great trip!  I loved seeing family...just makes me wish more than we lived closer.  But, the memories from this trip will last a long time.

First of all, we flew into Provo for a change.  How awesome was that!  We flew over the mountains, over Utah Lake...probably over Jolene & Ryan's home and Jenny & Brad's home, then did a U turn and down to the airport.  Anyway, I highly recommend flying into Provo over convenient to Utah County family!

Some of Matt's family wanted to hike the Y so Matt and I decided to go with them...and bring Jenny and boys with us.  When Jenny asked Ian if he wanted to hike the Y, he said "Hike to Hawaii"?  Hilarious!  I loved the hike!  I enjoyed going with Matt's family and I enjoyed having Jenny, Ian and Will with us.  Ian's enthusiasm for being in nature and hiking was great!  Imagine the rest of us huffing and puffing up the mountain and Ian smiling and saying, "This is so worth it!"  over and over.  I love Ian's love for hiking!  Will was such a good sport.  He enjoyed it too - though we were constantly trying to get him to hike away from the edge.  It's like his body was a magnet for the edge and he just naturally headed in that direction.

Matt's brother's wedding was good and it was fun to have family from Dallas in town.  Wedding was in SLC and reception was in Payson.  This pic is of Matt & his siblings and Matt & me under the olive tree by the Salt Lake temple.

Becky, Chloe and Liam came up too and I had so much fun spending time with them, talking with Chloe and loving Liam.  This is a pic of Chloe in her new Sunday dress.

Sunday we went to church at my ward in SLC (before I moved) and it is so fun go back there and have my friends there be excited to see me.  I wish I had the church and work connections in Kansas that I had in Utah.  I miss that about Utah.  Sunday evening we had all my siblings and Aunt Pat & Uncle Nolan and Aunt Shari & Uncle Jerry come for dinner.  It was such a great evening visiting with family, enjoying each others' company and being entertained by the children.

On Monday, Matt & I picked up his dad, Ron, in Sandy and drove to Grandma and Grandpa Bailey's home in Rupert Idaho.  We had a nice, several hour visit with them and Matt even got to help with some yard work.

Grandma Bailey told us several stories about her childhood and family.  I love hearing family stories.  Her family came from Northwest Arkansas and Central Missouri to the Burley/Rupert area to help plan the canals and waterways for irrigation.  They were not members of the Church and in fact, were strongly opposed to the Church.  Gma Bailey's mother's family from Missouri would throw eggs at the missionaries who came to their small town.  Gma Bailey joined the Church right before she and Gpa married and Gma's family disowned her.  Luckily, they didn't really disown her because she had good relationships with them until they died.  I guess they softened quite a bit to Mormon's as well.  Anyway, great visit!

Tuesday we had lunch with a couple of my former co-workers and then we flew home.  Great trip!  I think this is first time back since moving that I felt I could live in Utah again.  It probably will never happen but I could do it.

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