Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Since family left, I have been on a roller coaster of emotions.  Sometimes I just feel like crying and can't even talk without crying.  Last night I participated in a women's walking group and on the way home, cried part of the way home.  I stopped at the store for a few things and decided all I felt like having for dinner was cheddar cheese potato chips.  So, I bought myself a bag!  Yikes!!  I came home and talked/cried with Matt on the couch and told him what I had done re: the chips.  Then I felt like the worst wife because he had been busy since early in the morning and had recently arrived home as well.  He had not had dinner yet.  I wanted to get him something for dinner besides cheddar cheese chips.  I tried to explaining that to him and then I started crying that I just wanted to be a good wife.

Matt deals with me very well.  After several hugs and kisses and reassurances that I am a good wife, he heated himself up some soup, had some Strouds leftovers and all was well.  I ate my chips and had a can of guava nectar and went to bed happy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Tricia, I'm sorry. We can be overwhelming :) I hope all will back to normal soon, but I'm afraid that won't happen for a few months.
