Monday, September 24, 2012

Night time with Matt

Night time is rarely uneventful for long with Matt.  He sometimes has "Oh crap!" moments when he exclaims during his dreams.  I've come to the point that I've patted his shoulder and said, "it's okay.  I think you're dreaming."  And he will say, "OK", roll over and go back to sleep.  We oftentimes laugh about it in the morning because he vaguely remembers these moments.  Last night was quite funny.  He starts stirring a bit and I knew he was bothered by something.  He then says, "What the hell is going on here?!"  I did my usual routine: pat his shoulder and tell him it's okay and that's he's dreaming.  Then I did something different and didn't want him to think I was blowing off something that was concerning to him.  So I said, "but if you'd like me to help with whatever is wrong, I would be happy to help you."  He then replied, "Well, I don't there's much you can do about the ceiling fan disappearing."  I lost it then and started did he.  It was a fun laugh at 2:00 in the morning.

Last night must have quite a night for Matt because awhile later he gets up, puts on his shorts and walks out of the room and down the hall.  A few seconds later he comes back, takes off his shorts and climbs back in bed.  I asked him if he was dreaming, he grunts and falls back asleep.

He's funny when he does this at night.  The disappearing ceiling fan is a recurring one for him...last night wasn't the first time the ceiling fan has disappeared.

In other news, life is routine right now.  Not much new going on.  The weather is changing and we're having wonderful early fall temperatures.  Things are starting to look green outside opposed to brown and dry.  And, I noticed the other night on a walk that the leaves are starting to change color as well.  I love this time of year!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Life & Zaycon chicken

Life is so crazy right now...most of it is work.  I can't seem to keep up or stay on top of things.  But somehow it's managed.  I am thankful for Temple night tonight.

And I am so excited for an upcoming Zaycon chicken event.  I ordered 40 lbs of chicken last year and between Matt & me we went through all of it.  So, it will be another exciting week of cleaning, pressure cooking and freezing chicken.

We were lucky to have a Zaycon ground beef event.  I ordered 20 lbs that will be frozen.

Guess I should check our freezer and start making some room for this meat.