The summer feels like it is half over already and Lynzee & Abbey still haven't come to Kansas yet. But, as of right now they are in flight and we pick them up this afternoon. I've been anxious about having them. I want them to be comfortable and have a good time with us. It's only the second summer since all the changes with their Dad (me and a new home). I'm still unsure about the whole step-mom role and I'm not confident that I'm doing things right. I seriously have such anxiety about it - am I doing too much? Am I not doing enough? If Matt is more layed back, should I just follow his lead? How much should I plan for them? Should I feel any responsibility to give them chores (really I'd like Matt to take the lead on this since he feels they should do chores while they are here. I told him that and he said he would.) Matt's told me several times that he feels I should be just as involved in parenting as he is. I'm happy with that - I just know what I'm doing...with teenagers, no less!
After last year's experience with Lynzee watching TV most of the summer (when she wasn't reading a book) and Abbey being stir crazy and so bored, I thought I'd try being a little proactive and have some thing ready for them to do during the day...while their Dad and I are working. I found an "I'm Bored" jar idea where you write activities, projects, chores, etc on tongue depressors that they can choose when they are bored. I've been thinking about this for over a month now and finally got things ready and prepared for the jar. This is a Christmas mug. Not creative or pretty but hopefully it will serve it's purpose well. I've also started a Summer Bucket List of activities we can do as a family...waiting for Lynzee & Abbey's input as well, of course.
So, we'll see how things go...I'm excited and it will be fun having them in the home for a few weeks!!
Good ideas Tricia, I'm sure you guys will have a great time!